Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Graphic Social Connections
(version of wiki with images (and bad formatting))

Team Members:
Lochan Baratakke
Aaron Wakem

Two of the things that social networks at present have trouble with are usernames across multiple sites and finding people within the sites because of these usernames. This site takes existing social networks and extracts the friends lists, groups, likes etc, and then uses this data to create graphical social maps. These could be in the form of nodes with lines, 3D balls and lines, circles and lines, 3D waves, map locations, there are numerous possiblities. Depending on exactly what the graphical representation is of, will change what colours represent what, and what thickness of lines mean, etc.

Some things that could be represented include:

*friends represented
*friends and their friends represented
*groups represented
*friends with simular interests represented
*friends and their friends with simular interests represented
*members of groups with simular interests represented

The username issue

Because people have different usernames in different social networks it is important to reconnect the person. This would be done one person at a time and their username would be selected for each of the networks so that the site knows this is the same person.

eg. If John is called "Johnny12" on Blogger and "Bigjohn" on Last.FM, then our site knows that when it sees those names from those sites they refer to the same person.


This is where the names from the different accounts are configured to represent the one person. The user enters a name for the current person they are configuring and then selects the persons' usernames from the drop down menus.

This is the main displaying page which is used to show the relationships between people. You can select what to show as well as how to show it from the menus then change the display by clicking the "show" button.

5 of the ideas for displaying the connections between people

Using google maps and then adding pins to show where friends etc are in location to each other in the physical world

So by allowing people to connect their friends form multiple sites and then see the representation of of these friends and friends friends people may find it easier to locate friends that they don't have on their friends list.


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