Friday, October 26, 2007

Stuff to post

Just incase your mental notes fail you (mine regularly doo).

Reminder to put up the Barry Brown paper about mobile phones conextual study.

Fix the link

Thanks for the review and I feel sorry for the people that didn't make it today.



Stephen said...

Thanks for the prompt Robert. My mental notes seldom fail me entirely, but they can sometimes take a long time to kick in :-)

I've now uploaded the two papers I mentioned in class:

Brown & Randell's paper on the design of a context senstitive telephone:

Brown, B., & Randell, R. (2004). Building a context sensitive telephone: Some hopes and pitfalls for context sensitive computing, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 13, 329-345.

and Stefik et al.'s paper about Xerox's Colab, which covers the concept of WYSIWIS:

Stefik, M., Bobrow, D. G., Foster, G., Lanning, S., & Tatar, D. (1987). WYSIWIS revised: early experiences with multiuser interfaces. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 5(2), 147-167.

There was also the audio file of Bruce Sterling talking about/defining Spimes, as well as the other QuickTime content that gets lost when putting up presentations in pdf format (the latter for your information/enjoyment and for completeness' sake).

I've also fixed the link on the timetable page for week 8's slides.

I hope the review turns out to have been useful.


Unknown said...

The link to Browns paper seems damaged. When I open it I random letters on the pages and a lot of blank space. Is this my system or is the pdf damaged?

Stephen said...

I uploaded whilst on vpn on a s l o w link, so probably something wrong with the pdf as a result. I've just uploaded it again. Please let me know if it continues to misbehave.
