Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Welcome to COMP3505 2008

Hi all,

A quick post to say hello via the blog, and to link to a bit of help for anyone struggling to find out how to find the rss feed for their facebook status:

It's hidden away a bit, and facebook's own rss help doesn't tell you what to do, but the helpful folks at Internet Duct Tape do.



PeterJ said...

The social feeds link on the course home page said you didn't want the rss feed link.

Here is my status feed on facebook anyway:\x3d218700667\x26viewer\x3d218700667\x26key\x3d5ba6e19613\x26format\x3drss20


Stephen said...

@peterj: yes, I know. Last time we ran the course we weren't able to get rss for status feeds out of Facebook. I had a few people doing it anyway and others asking how to, so put up the link to help for that reason. I think following someone's status (or more to the point, following a group of people's status) via rss leads to a different way of experiencing the application. I therefore see it as a good thing if people choose to provide their status feed in this way.


AlvinYeeChinMun said...

Hi, Im a student from COMP3505 !

Just popping in to say hi.
Sent the email with all the feeds to the course email already.

Chin Mun Yee, 41530836