Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I was wondering if anyone knows if the mark we have received is for the 15% participation, the 15% criteria, the 5% peer digg thing, or a combination of all three of these.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Criteria for Mashups

Sorry if I have missed this somehow, but is there a criteria sheet for the current assignment?


Monday, September 24, 2007

Intel Mash Maker

Intel recently launched their own mashup editor, Intel Mash Maker. You can also read their blog.

From the blog:

With Mash Maker, mashups are part of the normal browsing experience. As you browse the web, the Mash Maker toolbar displays buttons representing mashups that Mash Maker thinks you might want to apply to your current page. If you click on one of these buttons, Mash Maker will apply that Mashup to your page. This might mean plotting all items on a map, annotating each flight with the expected legroom, or anything else. The cool thing about this is that you don’t need to know that there are mashups you might find useful —- the mashups come to you.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Feeds on blog

I noticed that I'm not the only one tagging bookmarks with comp3505 on, so I decided to add a feed for that tag to the sidebar on this blog. I also added dekker's aggregated feed below (although this looks to have stalled at the end of August).

So, if you're bookmarking something on and you think it's relevant for the course, please add comp3505 as a tag and it will show up on this page.


Feedback from today's critique

Great session today. As I said at the end I was really pleased with the way you all chose to present your work with a good level of professionalism even though it was billed as an informal session. I thought there was a good range of ideas and some great apps/prototypes to look forward to.

As promised, the scan of your peer feedback sheets are now available online.

In terms of whole-class feedback, I think the main points are as follows:

  • Make sure you don't get carried away with doing a cool mashup and forget about the mobile and/or social context. Remember that the prototype/app is a vehicle for you to explore an idea for an interesting/useful/engaging user experience in the social and mobile computing area, and shouldn't be considered an end in itself.

  • Think about how data is gathered by/provided for the application--if your system requires explicit input from users (e.g. adding tags or updating location manually) then you need to provide a compelling reason or very easy mechanism for them to do so.

  • It is highly likely that you are not the first person/group to have the idea you are exploring. Don't be put off by finding it 'out there' already. Rather, use this as an opportunity to accelerate your project and build upon what others have done. If your idea has already been implemented, spend some time using and exploring it and work out how to make it better, or how you could distinguish your idea. Make sure you document such existing work on the wiki.

  • If you have any ideas about other groups' projects, please go to that group's page on the wiki, click on the 'discussion' tab at the top and add the comments there.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Peer to peer positioning for mobile phones

Hi all,

Saw this, and is very cool, especially in context of last lecture.

Basically, "Some people with a GPS device collect the location information of cell towers and wifi access points. Then they share it with the rest of the network and everyone else who doesn't have a GPS device can then simulate a Virtual GPS thanks to the data collected by others."

They have made an iPhone app which does this, and then sends data to the builtin google maps :)

iPhone GPS! w00t

Facebook help

Well I managed to re-access the server. Now I've been trying to create this application for quite a bit now only to have a selection of fun new errors to enjoy. Its now saying my api key is incorrect
I requested another api key but it still says the same thing.

Just wondering if anyone could help thanks Harrison

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Graphic Social Connections
(version of wiki with images (and bad formatting))

Team Members:
Lochan Baratakke
Aaron Wakem

Two of the things that social networks at present have trouble with are usernames across multiple sites and finding people within the sites because of these usernames. This site takes existing social networks and extracts the friends lists, groups, likes etc, and then uses this data to create graphical social maps. These could be in the form of nodes with lines, 3D balls and lines, circles and lines, 3D waves, map locations, there are numerous possiblities. Depending on exactly what the graphical representation is of, will change what colours represent what, and what thickness of lines mean, etc.

Some things that could be represented include:

*friends represented
*friends and their friends represented
*groups represented
*friends with simular interests represented
*friends and their friends with simular interests represented
*members of groups with simular interests represented

The username issue

Because people have different usernames in different social networks it is important to reconnect the person. This would be done one person at a time and their username would be selected for each of the networks so that the site knows this is the same person.

eg. If John is called "Johnny12" on Blogger and "Bigjohn" on Last.FM, then our site knows that when it sees those names from those sites they refer to the same person.


This is where the names from the different accounts are configured to represent the one person. The user enters a name for the current person they are configuring and then selects the persons' usernames from the drop down menus.

This is the main displaying page which is used to show the relationships between people. You can select what to show as well as how to show it from the menus then change the display by clicking the "show" button.

5 of the ideas for displaying the connections between people

Using google maps and then adding pins to show where friends etc are in location to each other in the physical world

So by allowing people to connect their friends form multiple sites and then see the representation of of these friends and friends friends people may find it easier to locate friends that they don't have on their friends list.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

accessing the server

Hello I've been trying to make a facebook application I have been able to access the server and create some directories using which was working fine for a bit but now its saying that the port I've been using won't work (that was port 21) I've tried port 80 for no particular reason other then its not 21 just wondering if there was a specific port to use.

Thanks Harrison

Friday, September 14, 2007

Google maps talk


Really interesting google maps + ruby talk here.

Shows a few things that you can do with google maps, and ruby. If your using google maps (even if you are not using ruby) its worth a look, some nice tricks with the API.

PS Fairly big video, is an hour long


Group Member


Just wondering if there is anybody that has not found a group yet. We are a group of three and are looking for one more member if anybody is interested. If so then you can contact me by emailing me at

Thanks Dean.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Slides for week 6&7

I wonder if the lecture's slides on week 6 & 7 could be uploaded so we can have a look on these to review what we've learn?

External Hosting Accounts for Projects

If anyone is needing access to external hosting to test mashups or host their project, please email me with:
A group name
Email addresses of each member of the group.

I'll set you up with a group ftp account and will email you with the relevant details.

On a side note, could all groups please add a page to the Wiki documenting your early ideas for the project - so we can make sure everyone is a) in a group and b) is heading on the right track for the project. Criteria sheets will be out next week, but one thing to note early on is that there is an emphasis on DOCUMENTING your process for the duration of the project.

Have a great weekend all.

Preview of 2.0

Recently, launched a small invite-only preview of the new look and feel for the next version of their site.

TechCrunch has an article about the preview along with some screenshots.

Due Date

Hi all,

could anybody tell me the date that this next assignment is due. I ready somewhere that it was the 21st of September, but i wanted to check.

Thanks Dean.

Criteria Sheet?

Still a little unsure of what we're meant to do. Is there going to be a criteria sheet for this assignment? Also, as a prototype does it have to be functional, partly functional or simply communicative of the idea (aka representational)?

Basic Unit of Social and Mobile Computing

I've been thinking of unique ways to approach the mash up project and thought of a question I would like to pose to the people in this course.

Tag value, account, user status and site content level seem to be the "tangible" basic units of social computing. These 'tangible' units will depend on the site design. My question to you is:

What is the most basic 'intangible' units of social computing tools?

On personal reflection, the unit itself can be reached 2 way. The first way through the the 'tangible' unit used to reach it. For example , the basic unit of flickR may be considered a picture or the tag assigned to a picture. If picture is used, the basic unit may be expression whereas if tags are used, the units may be connections to others.
