Friday, March 28, 2008

My Reflection

by Qianchi LIU (Ecco) 41134823


As we know, this course social and mobile computing is base on using ‘Social networking Site’, for example, Facebook, Yahoo Pipes, Flickr, Blogger, Hi5 and so on. Most of them have attracted millions of users, and many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. Why these web sites are very popular? In my opinion, because of these sites are really doing people’s needs. Basically, social networking site is not only a kind of interactions between users and computers, but also with other users. In these web sites, they can share their photos, videos or files, and communicate with others. In this situation, computers and network have become a media platform.

Therefore, by using these web sites, it is good opportunity to communicate with others online, and express your ideas, experience and comments.


The first social networking website is ‘163 Photos’ which is same as Fleckr in China. I felt it is very convenient to share my photo with my family and friends online. Furthermore, there are some other social networking sites I use currently.


It is one of the most popular website in the world, which has almost 98 million users in worldwide. Basically, it can send/receive E-mails, chat with friends, share your photos, design your own website, and so on. However, the most important is it used social networks, which means put every user into different networks and relate them together.


Blogger is a website which you can post your diary, photos on your home page to let other people to view it. In addition, they can post their comments to your website, and discuss something with you.

Yahoo Pipes

This is an interesting website, which relates to connect different web pages together, and shows its update in time. The most special part in this website is its setting interface that using visible way to connect different web pages together.


It is a professional photo sharing website, and very easy to create your own album to share with your friend.


After I used these social network websites, I think the most important reason of why these websites are very popular in the world is they are all base on people’s need. As we know, social network websites relate on interactions between people, computer and people. The example of it is Facebook, which provide a network communication platform. It has many interesting features, such as:

The Wall

The Wall is a kind of message board on users’ homepage. If anyone who has the purview, they can view your Wall and leave a message to you. Otherwise, people also can send messages to your friend for private conversations.

The Gift

This is an interesting function, which is you can send fictitious present to your friend, and it will be displayed on their homepage, however, senders’ name are optional. Facebook also provide the fictitious present shop to users select.


Same as ebay online, Facebook also has its own market trade platform; users can post their trade information on it.


Pokes is a special way to say ‘hey’ on Facebook, however users give them more and more means. In Facebook’s FAQ section on the Poke Feature said

“A poke is way to interact with your friends on Facebook. When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific purpose. People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings. ”


To tell your friends where you now or what are are you doing in real life.


I think this is the most significant part of Facebook, in the diagram of Facebook domain, it shows every account should in a Network, such as SchoolNetwork, WorkNetwork, RegionalNetwork, and so on. Thus, that means if people in a same Network them would have some relationships, for instance, have same friends, classmate or teammate. It helps people to communicate with others and meet different friends who relate to your real life.

Furthermore, as Facebook in China, they proposed a new idea called identification system, which means everyone who wants to sign up; they have to use their real names. Then, if the system confirms your name, you will have more purviews in Facebook. However, the internet society of China has clarified that so far the Ministry of information Industry has not officially made any related policies. Therefore, this system is still in experiment. In my opinion, I think it depends on peoples’ request. It can be optional but not has to be.

On the other hand, Facebook increased my feeling of connection to our peers, the world just become much closer, and I met many old friends on it.


In conclusion, Social Network Website is the largest part in Web 2.0. However, it also has to improve, such as, to protect people’s privacy and real name identification system. In addition, the Social Network Websites are not suitable for every people, depends on our needs and interests can improve more advantages to our daily life.


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,


1 comment:

Bill Giang said...

It's interesting how China's policies on Internet usage has escalated to the point where users need to clear security checks such to confirm your identity.

Now that I think about it, I remember hearing that myspace is actually banned in China. Seems pretty extreme to go that extent.