Monday, March 17, 2008

My thoughts on facebook

Facebook. What does it mean to us ? When I first heard of Facebook, I wrote it off as another Frienster type application. I was never very active on Frienster and the same can be said about Facebook. In general, I am not one who participates much on Frienster and etc. mainly because I think that it is a waste of time. Even though I say so, I still indulge in registering accounts on Frienster and Facebook for the sake of keeping a social network and keep in touch with my friends who are all over the world studying.

Now on with the story !
I have started using Facebook a tad bit more for the sake of understanding it better for this course. Well at least that was my intention at first but slowly after days of tinkering around with Facebook and its many apps, I have found it to be quite entertaining. I’m still not entirely sure how everything works but I honestly find it intriguing that one social website gives us so many things to do.

At first, I always thought one picture used as the display picture would be more than sufficient, but boy, was I wrong. The amount of pictures I see on all my friends’ profiles are just astronomical and the number of pictures keeps increasing day by day! Even for me, who is just pure lazy to upload pics, my pictures have increased as well. Even pictures of me during my birthday were uploaded by my pals instead of me doing it myself. Every time I go out with my girl friends who love to cam whore, during that night itself after the outing, I can expect to see the pictures of our activities up on Facebook.

Besides photos, there are a lot of other things to do and one can add extra stuff to their Facebook profiles which are called "APPS". These apps provide various functions such as games, messaging tools and etc. Like I said in the introduction, I am not one who fancies social applications like Facebook and etc but I have to honestly say that regardless of what I may have thought, I am starting to get interested in it. Once upon a time, I used to spend a total of maybe an hour a week on Facebook mainly because I have to catch up on messages sent by my friends as well as maybe post a few messages back to them. Besides that, I normally just click ignore all request and be done with it so I do not have to see the hundreds of "APP" requests that my friends have sent me.

Now, is a totally different story because I am slowly getting into the "Facebook Life". Instead of clicking ignore all, I spend at least 10 to 20 minutes wading through the enormous amounts of request to find something interesting or new. I will then spend another 10 mins or so setting up that specific app and start to use it, whatever it may be. To say the least, my average time spent on Facebook which used to be 2 hours max a week has changed to at least 2 hours a day.

As a conclusion, I truly think that Facebook is no doubt something new and refreshing and is actually quite fun to use. This is very true when compared to Frienster, as I have stopped using that service much like everyone else. Though I can say 1 thing for certain, Facebook kills a lot of time and may sometimes if not most of the time, take up TOO much time and leave little or no time for other activities. As an example, I have spent 3 hours playing an APP that resembles the RISK board game.

I sign off here with more to come about the other websites that I have been using.

Yee Chin Mun


David said...

So true, now I starting to believe that Facebook is a kind of online addictive drugs which slowly lets people forgetting about the reality

I tried to avoid it and well, finally succeed...but I got hooked up again and realized that I've wasted like 3 hours on filling out some random quizs...

Michael said...

The apps do provide yet another way for us all to procrastinate, however, I feel that adds to the whole experience that is facebook...even if my assignments are rarely completed on time.

AlvinYeeChinMun said...

Yea, I agree that facebook is pretty much like a drug. I'm still amazed at how fast girls get photos up so quick.

I went to Great Ocean Road in Melb, less than 24 hours after the trip, the photos from 5 different cameras are up in the facebook system and I receive a ton of emails alerting me that my friends have tagged me in a photo.

I have quickly embraced the facebook life and am getting involved with all the photos and etc. Like I said in my latter post, posting up photos and etc. are methods of communication.