Friday, April 3, 2009

My Reflection on Twitter, Flickr and Friendfeed

Yovanov Diaz Smarabangun

Collaboration, secure information sharing and facilitate communication are several aims for the Web 2.0 and social network services are one of the products. The aim of social network services is to make online community. Every social network services have a different target of people to make their online community, for example gathers people who like music and let them to share their favourite music to others. In this reflection I will focus on what kind of social interaction happens, also the positive and negative effects to our social interaction when we use social network websites. The social network websites that I use for the reflection are:

Twitter – Micro-blogging
Flickr – Sharing your picture to others
Friendfeed - Social network and feeder from another social site
Blogger – Blogging – Sharing bookmarks – Sharing your favourite music to others

Twitter, Friendfeed and Flickr are the website that I experience more than the others during the social mobile computing classes and workshops, so these three website will be the subject of my reflection.


Twitter is a micro-blogging and social networking website. The purpose in twitter is to inform your Twitter friends what are you doing right now. Usually user in twitter will follow other twitter user to know what are they doing now and if that person interested, they will follow you back. This is where the social interaction happens, people will get connected to everybody. The first time I use Twitter, it felt strange because the purpose of Twitter itself. I discuss it with several people and find out the interesting things in twitter. Furthermore, I found several reason why people like to use Twitter, such as Twitter has a lot of client application, so you can use it in your laptop, website, mobile phones and you can get notification through sms [1]. Some people like Bertalan Mesko has his own reason, like he can keep in touch with his medical student friends and professors easily [2]. Twitter also has positive effect in business, Nicole Nicolay gives 11 reason using Twitter for business [3], Promote her work, product and services is one of it. Personally, Twitter can make me keep in touch with my family because I can use it anywhere as long as I bring mobile phones.

However, Twitter can set your private life in to the public spaces because in Twitter everybody wants to have followers as many as they can get to make them popular, to achieve that, they need to update their Twitter everyday. Another negative effect is the notification in your mobile phones through sms. Because sometimes the notification becomes synchronous distribution interaction and sometimes it is asynchronous, so the notification could come and disturbs you while you are in a meeting or sleeping.

Flickr is a website to share pictures and videos, it can be called as a social network website because you can add people that you know and also can make or join a group. The pictures and videos that you share in your account can be commented by anybody even if they are not your contact. User can organize their pictures and videos by making a set or putting a tag on it. Social interaction not just happens in each pictures or videos, but also in a group. For example my graphic design courses make a group in Flickr as a place to submitting the assignment and each picture that has been submitted should have a tag, so anybody who wants to give a comment can easily find it. In a group, members can make a group discussion and make a social interaction between them.

Flickr can be a tool for sharing information about travel and food. In my experience using Flickr, I can find several pictures of food around the world and some of those have an exact location in the maps, so I know exactly the location of those foods. Flickr offer an alternative of a full copyright called creative common. Creative common license let everybody to share, remix, and use commercially in particular circumstances and it is a free license. I cannot see any negative effects from Flickr, because creative common license give a protection for the content of their user from misuse and the social interaction happens only to the point of comments and discussion in a group, it is not as disturbing as the sms notification on Twitter.

Friendfeed is a social network website that can be use as a feeder of another social networking websites such as Flickr, Twitter and, it brings you the activity that happen in the those social networking websites. Furthermore, Friendfeed can feed you the activity of your friends and family that use social networking websites even if they do not join. Friendfeed itself is a social networking tool too, so the member of Friendfeed can interact inside. It has a room to share messages, links and photos between members of that room. “With FriendFeed, I get a social platform for communication and participation on the day’s news and interesting items, and this platform can be as broad or as narrow as I would like it to be” said Louis Gray [4]. The negative effect of Friendfeed is, it has a capability to make an imaginary friend, it will give you recent update of someone social site who is not using Friendfeed, so it will make you like stalker. However, the idea to become a repository of activity of the other social networking websites that the user joined before is a good innovation in social networking history.


In conclusion, Web 2.0 gives a way for these social networking websites to be more mobile because these social networking open their API to be used by independent developer to make a client application. The more variety and availability client application of certain social networking website will make more user will using it, because they can use that social networking website anywhere. Most of social interaction between people in social networking websites happens different time, so most of it is an asynchronous. Harvey Sacks describes, “the organization of taking turns to talk is fundamental to conversation”[5]. It is the social interaction in most of the social networking websites. Furthermore, some of it can be categorize as asynchronous interaction because social interaction happens in same place but different time and some happen in different place or asynchronous distribution interaction.
These social networking websites have a lot of positive effect rather than negative. Connect everybody to the world is the purpose that World Wide Web achieve through these social networking websites. Twitter is one of it and the popularity of Twitter is rising [6]. In the end, everybody have their own opinion about the effect of these social networking websites to their social interaction life, but for me these websites facilitate me to keep in touch with the social life that I already have.


[1] Twe2 - Get your Twitter Alerts via SMS worldwide for Free. 30 Mar. 2009 .
[2] Mesko, Bertalan. "10 Reasons Why I Use Twitter." ScienceRoll. 28 Mar. 2009 .
[3] Nicolay, Nicole. "22 Reasons to Use Twitter for Business and Pleasure." Technology for Real Estate - 29 Mar. 2009 .
[4] Gray, Louis. "Why You Should Use FriendFeed." The Inquisitr. 30 Mar. 2009 .
[5] Sacks, Harvey, Emanuel A. Schegloff, and Gail Jefferson. "A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation." (1974).
[6] Albanesius, Chloe. "It's Official: Twitter's Popularity Soars." PC Magazine - Computer, Software, Hardware and Electronics Reviews, Downloads, News and Opinion. 31 Mar. 2009 .

1 comment:

falah said...

We can see from this posting that social-network websites not only can be used as tools for entertaining or socializing. Today, they even can be used for academic purpose. We can see that from the examples given in discussion about Flick and Twitter.