Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good examples of reflection assignment

I thought I'd post some links back to reflection assignments from last year for those of you who haven't searched them out yet (August 2007 is where they all happen, BTW).

For each of the top assignments, I've included a link, along with the comments given as feedback.

1. Being Lazy and Social at the Same time
Haha great read! Fantastic to see some support from established research to back up your statements! Would've been good to move beyond the sign-up experience (or did you not get beyond those) to reflect on the convenience of using the actual application once all that overhead was done with.And what is privacy these days? It begs the question - if you want privacy; why would you offer personal info to a very public forum? These applications are hardly asking for and broadcasting your medical history or credit card statement.

2. Reflection on Social and Mobile Computing Tools
Well written; although perhaps a little too formal for the medium (its great; however). Some images and layout adjustments may have helped in guiding the reader (images especially as layout is difficult on blogger). Great utilization of sources; really well done. Overall a good article; however more personal reflection; rather than a very systematic approach to analysing the tools may have helped in really connecting with the reader.

3. Social Awareness
Good reflection; with relation back to course and design issues. Would've been good to see some more discussion around what constitutes awareness and how it is supported in these applications (from a research perspective - pulling out what Dourish and Bly talk about) - rather than telling us what each application is as we do already know :) Looking at the differences between awareness in a physical setting (peripheral; audio cues etc) and how these may/may not have been adopted/supported online.

4. Skeletons in the Closet
Excellent incorporation of sources; succinct description of background - but could pull out key findings rather than generalise articles. Lacking in reflection of own experiences - more an overall discussion of privacy.

5. Collaboration Using Social Networking Tools
Nice layout fairly good overall. Good introduction - lays out the article well. Interesting way to tackle the structure; overall a good read. Some really nice resources cited; some interesting statistics. Some images to specific parts of the collaboration features may have helped; and shown more detail on each system. A section at the end which compared all of the tools briefly (as well as reflecting on them seperately would help). Also potentially talking about how they can be used together for collaboration might have helped.


Jared said...

"Lazy and social" sounds great :D If only it were that easy

David said...

lol...skeleton in the closet...