Friday, August 31, 2007

Flash Mashup

Hi All,

Here is the source code (and OS-X projector) for a mashup created in Flash.

Commenting in there is fairly light (ie: nonexistant), however we can go through this in the tute if you are interested to see what is possible with Flash (this is an Actionscript 2 mashup). The mashup concept is prototyping a solution to: you can't get decent context when viewing a map, like understanding the culture and setting of the location (and a lot of the time even finding a name), Flickr images often contain locational information, but there is no link between these and a map as such.

The mashup is basically:
- Yahoo maps interface (google maps doesn't come with a Flash API)
- When you doubleclick somewhere on the map, it gets the latitude and longatude
- It uses these co-ordinates to reverse-geocache-lookup the closest town and country
- It then uses the town/country terms to do a search in Flickr
- Images from flickr are displayed in thumbs next to the map, clicking on the images opens them in a new window

I would advise using PHP over Flash for mashups if you don't have much experience with Actionscript as the Flash API's available aren't very well documented and require some experimentation. Another current problem is that the API's are focusing on different standards (some are AS2, some are AS3 and some are built for Flex).


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